By allowing the invisible to manifest in full splendor, we discover the genuine, magical aspect of the world.

'The experience of invisible matter shapes the way how we approach reality' is a long-term ecoart project that explores the uses of sustainable materials and art-making techniques in the making of visual artworks: prints, sculptures, assemblages, etc. The primary art materials used in this project are what Risba calls "the six life matters on Earth" - air, water, carbon, soil, chlorophyll and (menstrual) blood.

'Thus Spake' is an assemblage artwork composed by two A3 prints with menstrual blood and chlorophyll and a printed A4 text that is inspired by the iconic seventh chapter on Reading and writing in Thus Spake Zarathustra, by Friedrich Nietzsche. The final artwork was made after the production of a study triptych (image below).

Copy of the printed text in Thus Spake:
Of all that is created, I love only what a person hath created with one’s blood or plants’ chlorophyll. Create with blood, and thou wilt find that blood is spirit. It is no easy task to understand unfamiliar blood; I hate the reading idlers. Those who knoweth the reader, doeth nothing more for the reader. Another century of readers—and spirit itself will stink. Every one being allowed to learn to read and code, ruineth in the long run not only writing but also creating, thinking and feeling. Once spirit was found in the living world, then spirit was God, then it became man, and now it even becometh artificial intelligence—AI. Those that createth in blood and proverbs doth not want to be read, but learnt by heart. In the mountains the shortest way is from peak to peak, but for that route thou must have long legs. Proverbs should be peaks, and those spoken to should be brave and solid like a mountain. Who among you can at the same time laugh and be exalted? Those who climbeth on the highest mountains, laugheth at all tragic plays and tragic realities. Courageous, unconcerned, compassionate—so wisdom wisheth us; It is true we love life; not because we are wont to live, but because we are wont to love. There is always some madness in love. But there is always, also, some method in madness. I should only believe in a God that would know how to dance.