RETURN (2016)
'Return' ponders upon the forms of strategic decapitation in current society.

“Which are the cut off heads of our culture?”
On the 6th of January 2017 Jatun Risba performed Return (Vračanje), an art intervention that took place in front of the Cathedral in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The work embodies the return of “the outlaw”: those who our society and culture consider to be worthless or refuse to fully acknowledge and validate. What looks like a Via Crucis, turns out to be a flight of an unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV), a military drone chasing its target. The tied double, represented by the mannequin head, questions how our planet would be like if humans suddenly disappeared. By openly exposing vulnerability in public places, the author aspires to open a wormhole in reality that embraces the left out, for an alchemical process of healing.