KINFESTO (2023) and essay on Risba's work on
In a linguistically crafted world, the language of kinship gives breath and voice to the more-than-human world.

The last number (38-2023) of the online magazine, an online journal for experimental writing and theory based in Italy, published Risba's "manifesto": the Kinfesto (Risba, 2023), a declaration about multispecies kinship, reciprocity and earth-worlding practices. The piece is written in the speculative "language of kinship", an art research activity Risba has been developing since winter 2019.
In the same number of the journal, Francesco Aprile wrote an insightful essay about Risba's work (in Italian) entitled Qualcosa come un’imminenza. Note attorno all’opera di Jatun Risba (Something like an imminence. Notes on the work of Jatun Risba).