Publication in the BST Journal

In February 2025, Risba's article, "Menstrual Cups: R—Evolutionary Devices for Overcoming Wrong Views About Life," was published in the Body, Space & Technology journal. In this piece, Risba explores the empowering effects and creative potential of menstrual cups and discs in challenging menstruation taboos. The article also provides an overview and contextualization of their artistic practice and research, particularly in relation to bodily fluids and other fundamental "life matters" on Earth.

Find the link to the article below:

Menstrual Cups: R—Evolutionary Devices for Overcoming Wrong Views About Life
This Perspectives article is informed by an ongoing practice-as-research that examines the empowering effects and creative potential of menstrual cups and discs in challenging menstruation taboos and promoting gender equity and equanimity. Beginning with a personal introduction that traces the roots…